Implementation of a Collaborative Care Initiative for PTSD and Depression in the Army Primary Care System


Collaborative care models hold promise as a means to improve the Military Health System (MHS) to better meet the mental health needs of U.S. military personnel. This article describes an Army-wide collaborative care initiative, RESPECT-Mil (“Re-engineering Systems of Primary Care Treatment for Depression and PTSD in the Military”), aimed at improving care for soldiers with depression and post traumatic stress disorder. Essential to the implementation of RESPECT-Mil has been the use of a centralized coordinating team to facilitate collaborative care practice and policy activities across the multiple levels of the MHS. The article explores the relevance of collaborative care frameworks to the social work profession and concludes with a discussion of future directions for the social work field to promote greater involvement in the integrated care movement.

Belsher, B. E., Curry, J., McCutchan, P., Oxman, T., Corso, K. A., Williams, K., & Engel, C. C. (2014). Implementation of a collaborative care initiative for PTSD and depression in the army primary care system. Social Work in Mental Health, 12(5-6), 500-522.