Family Readjustment of Veterans


This paper is a brief summary of data collected during a three-year study of nearly two hundred college men who have been in the service, sixty of whom have now been discharged. The transition of these men from the civilian to military role has already been studied and the results presented, in part, through articles published in this and other periodicals; the re-adjustment to the civilian role is currently being unfolded. The findings presented here are tentative and limited to adjustment in the affectional sphere, the data consisting of cases. No claim can be made that either the original sample or the discharged group is typical. The only possible value of this study lies in its intimate and relatively complete analysis of a small number of couples and in its "insights." The "practical" utility of findings based upon a methodology as non-statistical as this one may be questioned, but it is well to recall that in all therapeutic work one must always proceed with a unique case in a unique way to unique results. Uniqueness is rarely complete. This article, then, provides a few brief glimpses into the adjustment of a group of returned veterans who may be presumed to be neither typical nor necessarily unique.

Cuber, J. F. (1945). Family readjustment of veterans. Marriage and Family Living, 7(2), 28-30.