The Mental Health of Partners of Australian Vietnam Veterans Three decades After the War and Its Relation to Veteran Military Service, Combat and PTSD


240 male Australian Vietnam Veterans and their female partners participated in a study to examine rates of psychiatric diagnoses in the female partners. These rates were then compared with national official population statistics and used to assess the impact of Veterans’ military and war service on partner mental health. Veteran psychiatric disability and aspects of his war experience independently contributed to partners’ risk of mental disorder.

O’Toole, B. I., Outram, S., Catts, S. V., & Pierse, K. R. (2010). The mental health of partners of Australian Vietnam Veterans three decades after the war and its relation to Veteran military service, combat, and PTSD. The Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 11, 841-845. doi:10.1016/j.ypsy.2011.03.002